Thursday, December 13, 2007

Is Science Important?

I think that science is very important in our everyday lives, more so than something like History, because lets face it, the only possible profession that involves being good at history is being a teacher,or being Nicholas Cage in National Treasure. Even though it seems that some scientific questions posed have no relevance to us, in the long run knowledge is power and the more we know the better off we are. A reason to study things that might seem unimportant is becasue you never know where they will lead. Lets say that a crazy scientist is studying the importance of biolumiescense in jelly fish. This might not seem important, but lets say that he finds out the chemical used in biolumicense, is a great chemical for treating cancer, with a little work the cure is found due to a completley random act of science. While this is probably not plausible, you never know where you will find answers.

Another good reason to explore random scientific questions is because they also help us to learn more about ourselves and the world we are living in. While humans like to think that we know everything we don't even know if there is any other life in the galaxy besides us. There could entire worlds out in space and the only way to discover them is through science. If you look back at history, some of the greatest thinkers/inventors such as Issac Newton and Albert Einstein were really nothing more than crazy scientists that were curious about the world we live in and they wanted to learn more. So to answer to initial questions, yes I do think that investing time in somewhat unnecessary scientific questions is important, becasue we still have a lot to learn.

I posted on a lot of peoples blogs such as Travis, Ryan, Reiss, Nick, etc you can pretty much check anyones blog.

Friday, December 7, 2007

Fo Real Chemistry Post

Chemistry this year has been pretty good. I feel like we have a pretty relaxed enviremont, but we somehow still manage to learn things. The labs are interesting and while the material is challenging I don't find it to be overwhelming. Once in a while I even find that my chemistry knowledge can be used in the real world!! I can't think of any now, but there have been some. The one project I'm very exited about are the blogs. I have a feeling that they are going to be a lot of fun, and now I have something to do on my Friday nights. YAY!! I hope everyone has a good weekend. Over and Out.

Thursday, December 6, 2007

Likes and Dislikes of Honors Chem

So far Honors chemistry has not been that bad. We light things on fire, we race our chairs around the room, I get a wifi connection in the Chemistry room, and I'm not abused the way I was in Biology. The downsides are that everybody in my class are overachievers. People constantly worry too much about grades when they should be worry about more important things like a nuclear holocaust. Even though they are book smart, they aren't street smart and when they take the wrong bus and end up in the "hood" they will probably get mugged.