Friday, December 7, 2007

Fo Real Chemistry Post

Chemistry this year has been pretty good. I feel like we have a pretty relaxed enviremont, but we somehow still manage to learn things. The labs are interesting and while the material is challenging I don't find it to be overwhelming. Once in a while I even find that my chemistry knowledge can be used in the real world!! I can't think of any now, but there have been some. The one project I'm very exited about are the blogs. I have a feeling that they are going to be a lot of fun, and now I have something to do on my Friday nights. YAY!! I hope everyone has a good weekend. Over and Out.


ashbash! said...

add me to your link so you don't get points off for not adding me!


Kallie Fehr said...

your page is nice, very outdoorsy and springy

thuntchem said...

Nice color. Best page out of everyone's. What happened to the synchronized swimmer quote? (that's still funny 3 days later)

Anonymous said...

oh, ben, i love your funny quotes! your blog is amazing. and i'm glad that you have something fun to do on friday nights now (:

ignore this said...

I also enjoy the fact that we can use somethings from chem in the real world

thuntchem said...
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thuntchem said...

Yeah this is probably one of the first classes aside from math and spanish where we actually learn things that can be used in real life.

Will Lounsbury said...

i agree with u in the fact that everyone over achieves. but, i believe that because of this we all push ourselves harder so that we stay up with everyone else

Will Lounsbury said...

i agree with u in the fact that everyone over achieves. but, i believe that because of this we all push ourselves harder so that we stay up with everyone else

Reiss said...

I like your blog apperance and colors. I think that you are right about us being able to use chemistry in the real world.

Allison said...

ok well i'm not sure which one of your blogs is supposed to be the assignment, so i'm commenting on both of them- Yes chemistry is more useful than history or other subjects because it can actually be used in the world now and not just 50 yrs ago so i'm definitely agreeing with you on that one. ...and just another thing i love your blog and profile and quotes. i respect the fact that this blog has become such an important part of your life.