Thursday, December 6, 2007

Likes and Dislikes of Honors Chem

So far Honors chemistry has not been that bad. We light things on fire, we race our chairs around the room, I get a wifi connection in the Chemistry room, and I'm not abused the way I was in Biology. The downsides are that everybody in my class are overachievers. People constantly worry too much about grades when they should be worry about more important things like a nuclear holocaust. Even though they are book smart, they aren't street smart and when they take the wrong bus and end up in the "hood" they will probably get mugged.


Reiss said...

Way to long to read. make it shorter to read next time. other than that it looks great.

nramone said...

Yur super duper Ben!

Danny said...

long walks on the beach... puppies...

jaml00jaml00 said...

ok Ben that was sick. I'm not in your class, but it doesn't matter.
By the way, Reiss, learn the difference between "too" and "to".

ashbash! said...

your blog is b-e-a-utiful.
the green is very earthy?
and the stuff on the right side makes it personal.

i. like.

Kallie Fehr said...

i would like to say that I like your statements for thought, they are insightful while being hilarious

Allison said...

ben i'd just like to compliment your insightful statements about everyone in our class getting mugged in the hood. i completely agree. and i appreciate your thoughtfulness.