Sunday, February 3, 2008

Interesting Chemistry Topics

There are many things about chemistry that interest me but the most important ones include:

1. Life on other planets. Recently a very very very realistic photo was taken from the spirit rover on mars. Is the alien real... probably no....yes, but I think that it is intriguing that other lifeforms can exist on other planets. If they do, it could mean that maybe we can find a way to live on different planets as well.
2. Changing the molecular structure of an object to make it into something completely different. In the beginning of year we talked about how sub atomic particles identified different atoms and if we added more protons to different atoms they change from one thing to another. Think about what could happen if we added a few more protons to oxygen and ended up with gold.
3. How do pop rocks and mood rings work? What type of chemicals are used in them that allow them to funtion?
4. Time travel, black holes, wormholes, cosmetic strips, etc. There has always been a lot of speculation about time travel and how moving faster than the speed of light will send you back in time. So is there really a way to go back in time or is it just a rumor?
5. Parallel Universes, thinking about it we know so little about our world. We are living on one planet in one universe, but maybe, through a black hole somewhere in space there could be millions of other universes we don't know about. Maybe in some parallel universe there is another Ben Holloway writing on his chemistry blog, thinking about parallel universes. Who knows.
6. Genetic Mutation- There are lots of movies that have superheroes with specific powers due to genetic mutations, are these actually plausible. Could a person be specifically bred to be stronger than normal, be able to breath underwater, or have the abilities of a spider.

After generally researching each of these topics I think the one that interests me the most would probably be either time travel or parallel universes. Both of them are such big topics that they are initially hard to comprehend. Through a black hole there could be so many different things out there. There could exact replicas of our world, or planets where everyone can fly or planets with utopian societes where everyone is happy. Maybe the movie Star Wars is actually real and in another universe there are wookies running around and piloting airplanes. Time travel is that way too, lets say that time is really a continous loop and we could choose where we wanted to go back in time. I could go back two days in time and make sure I got an A on the chem test, or I could go back it time and light the test on fire and see what Mrs Vosburghs reaction would be, I could go back in time and pull a fire alarm and see what would happen, then I could go back in time and prevent JFK from being assinated, after I do that I would make sure to invest in all the rights stocks, and finally I would go to the future and find the cure for cancer and bring it back to our present time period. As you can see there are lots of things that could potentially happen which is why I find these topics to be so intriguing.


Megan said...

Personally i like the mood rings and pop rocks idea. yeah all the stuff about parallel universes is cool and changing things to make them something completely different....but i like how that chemistry can be used for like fun (dumb) things. Chemistry is all around and i think thats really cool. even people who say 'i dont like chemistry' should be extremely thankful that other people do. chemistry is not only used to better us but also for pure pleasure. nice job!

Will Lounsbury said...

when i saw your link list, i was very intrigued by the Pop Rocks link. it was a very interesting point. i like how you thought up a variety of things from a wide range of topics.

Rogelio said...

i liked what you researched ben. i thought that the idea of parallel universes and utopian cities could be a true thing. i also agree with you that the alien caught with the mars rover is real and that if we found life forms maybe we could be able to live there as well. the other topic i found to be cool was that of time travel because we could change history or even make some important discoveries for chemistry.

nramone said...

Mr. Benjamin
i enjoyed reading about time travel and aliens and etc... but my favorite topic of conversation in your paragraphs is the thought of changing the structure of atoms and/or protons and electrons to form completely different things we see everyday. I think chemistry everyday has opened my eyes to many other things available in the world around us.. like many things we have that we take for credit.

Anonymous said...

Well done Ben, you've really thought way outside the box. I'm golad you mentioned pop rocks and mood rings because now i've been curious as to how they work. The ideas of time travel are very cool too but I'm not too sure about the life on mars part (haha).

Reiss said...

I think that time travel topic is amazing. How cool would it be if we could go back in time and change our mistakes in life. If this happens though we may destroy the world and the timeline.